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A little more touch friendly would be nice. It is difficult to exactly place tiles as they immediately stick.

Hi thinkberg, we definetely want to add touch controls at a later point during our development, the current version isn't optimized for touch unfortunately. 


Awesome, its already great fun to play. The nice little intermission in between video calls :-)



I just update with the last release and I have the same white screen. The game don't work.

I'm on Macosx 10.13.6

Can you help me?

Hi Josep,

Unfortunately we still haven't quite figured out what causes the issues on Mac so far, there seems to be a few people with the same troubles.

It worked for us on a Mac Book Pro 2015 with MacOS 10.15.4. 


I read about some user with Windows have the same trouble, maybe if you put a log to send to you could help to identify the issue.

Hi Timo,

Can you send me the last version for Mac? 


really fun and chill game, really really pleased that this was the first game i tried from the BLM bundle! killed hours on this already. would love it if there was a "save/suspend" option because i'm 400 tiles in and can't play anymore but would have loved to be able to come back to it at a later point. would also love it if i could change some options to open it as a windowed application instead of automatically windowless/fullscreen!

hey thank you for your kind feedback, awesome that you had such a good time with Dorfromantik! We uploaded a new build yesterday which has a replay button. A save functionality is something we are definitely planning to bring to the game, thank you!


this is so relaxing and awesome ^^

(1 edit) (+7)

I really like this game, it's very pretty, and fun! it could use a quit or restart button, but that's not a big deal.

cool stuff I'd love: seeing trains running between towns, maybe like a train station tile. then you could have like connect two towns with a station x tiles away, or make a track that's this long. Maybe as towns get bigger and stuff, the houses could change to be made of stone or something. There's a lot of cool polish opportunities


oh! Another cool thing would be like a gif creator. I know Mini Metro and a few other games have one, so like you could watch as the world expanded.


Oh thank you! We uploaded a new build yesterday which now has a quit and a replay button ;) oh and there will  definitely be more things in the release version, for example trains!


Very chill, simple, really like it !


Nery neat and relaxing prototype :D


cute and relaxing, i love it!


Running on WIN64.

I totally love this type of games and the controls feels intuitive and nice. You should try to implement a menu or at least a "reset" button, since I manage to use all my tiles (it gave me 35 tiles ) and then nothing happened, I tried to play around and finally ended up closing it to see if it will start over but then it just started crashing upon opening the game.

It has a lot of potential! I can't wait to see how much y'all improve it! Keep going on <3


Hey, thanks, we uploaded a new build with escape and replay button ;) thanks for your kind words!


I love these types of games and the controls here are fluid and intuitive. Playing on the MAC version I had a crash once the tile count hit somewhere past the 150 mark. But, had a fun time.

Some feedback would be I'd like to see goals related to railroad tracks, some endgame objective(s), and most importantly a shorter game. Right now it feels like a guided sandbox, but it'd be nice for it to be tighter since I felt like I was breaking the game with how it kept going. Dynamic visual indicators for town growth and numbers would also make it much easier to parse.

Oh thanks for letting us know that it ran at least! We uploaded a new build which might work better. We are currently iterating a lot on the gameloop and are hard at work to improve on objectives and such ;)


something I came across is that the game needs is a discard tile option or a means of making certain the initial shuffle is playable. I occasionally get a game where 8 tiles in I get a 6-way railroad tile that can't be placed as I've drawn no other railroad tiles ye

The updated version uploaded yesterday removes the 6-way rail-tile for now and we also added a replay-button, hope this helps! ;)


Would a Linux port be possible, please?


Hey Stanman, we uploaded a Linux version yesterday ;)

Awesome, it works great!


Can you PLEASE be more specific and consistent in the goal descriptions. If you use terms like "at least" or "at most" please don't leave them off when they are needed. I just had a goal to make a village with 4 fields. It did not include the "at least clause" so I assumed I needed exactly 4. Yet when I placed a village card with two fields next to two village cars that already had three, I completed the goal.

Hey thanks, this is a very good point! We are currently improving the quest system, so stay tuned ;)


Hiya! Mac versions don't work, it says "the application can't be opened" ): 

Deleted 4 years ago

Hi, both mac versions don't seem to work for me :(


First few hours in and I'm having lots of fun - feels like Catan meets ISLANDERS.  The main improvement I see right now is autosaving so you can return to a game after exiting.  I'm currently pretty far into a game and almost don't want to turn off my computer for the night!


Agreed! Definitely gives me that same satisfaction as ISLANDERS while being different enough to stand out.


I really enjoy this prototype and if you ever progress the game to being multiplayer, I feel like the boardgame nerd crowd would really love this game. Especially if each player has their own goals to meet and they can place tiles to help or sabotage each other. It has a lot of potential!

(1 edit) (+1)

I've just run into a fully 6-sided rail tile, and am unable to place it anywhere. 

I suppose being unable to place the current tile is an alternate means of a game over? Except the game as it stands doesn't seem to recognize this as an end-state. It'd be nice to have a recognition of that. 

It'd also be nice to have both a freeform mode and a semi-constrained mode, where you have goals but the tile count is less imposing and/or you could, for instance, switch out the current tile for a saved tile perhaps, a la  Tetris, or else switch with the very next tile in the stack.

I find that I want to design a 'pretty' landscape, but to do list considerations are often forcing me to make ugly choices like intentionally stacking field/city/field/city lines out on their own just to get enough tiles to keep going.

Very neat little game, I look forward to seeing it develop further.


Hey, we added a replay button and removed the game-breaking 6-way-tile for now. Thanks for your detailed feedback too! We are currently iterating on improving many of the issues listed. Different gameplay-modes are of course already a high priority feature for us and designing a pretty landscape is paramount, and so we will hone the balancing and mechanics to fit this goal.



I'm running macosx version but in both version the game don't work, the game start, appear the top menu and icons and a white highlight background and nothing happens, I can click but any more, no tiles or game.

I loved your game when I sight it.

Can you help me?

Same screen for me on Win7/DirectX 11 ! Just update to Win 10/DirectX12 and same problem.

Oh, this is unforntunate, can you give some more information on your hardware? for example what graphicscard you are using and what driver or other programs? thx!

Graphic Card : GT220, last drivers.

I've juste updated the game, same results.

It is perhaps functions used in DirectX 11 or 12 not compatible with my graphic card. I've DirectX 12 but my card is compatible only with functionality of DirectX10.

Hey we are sorry to hear that you are having technical problems with the game, can you alaborate a bit more what system you are using, whcih version of OSX and your hardware specs? Thanks!

Here I go,

Macosx 10.13.6

2,66 GHz Intel Core i5

24 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB

(1 edit)

Playing the latest version, I'm surprised by the lack of a replay key. Or maybe it's not listed? Like how holding mouse wheel lets you pan the scene. Otherwise very neat little game!

Edit: I see WASD also lets you pan the scene.

Hi, yes this was missing before but we now added a replay key in the newest build ;)


This is a beautiful game, I will look out for your final version. I like how the challenges alternate making big villages/fields/woods and lots of little ones. If you’re taking feature requests:

  1. Little trains moving on the rails
  2. Similar quests on those rails
  3. Picture mode - allow the camera to tilt and add some focal blur
  4. Linux binaries please :)

I think a good quest could be connecting 'n' villages together by rail.


Hi Widget and thank you!

  1. Trains are planned!
  2. we are currently reiterating on the questsystem in general, making it more elegant and diverse
  3. we are thinking about this of course!
  4. Linux build was uploaded yesterday ;)



I'm running 2020_05_21_Dorfromantik_Win on a Win7 64, and when I start the game, the map immediately starts moving to the lower right. If I press and hold S and D, after about a half second, the map starts moving back up and to the left. As soon as I let go of S and D, it pans back to the lower right again. I can't seem to get it to stay still. I can also rotate it 180. That can rotate it towards the upper left, but then it just heads back to the lower right again when I stop.

2020_04_22_Dorfromantik_Win_WidescreenSupport does the same thing for me too

Well, I tried the game again today, and Avast told me the 05 one had a virus, and promptly removed that exe. Then I went to the 04 one and that loaded just fine. No panning or anything.

It took me a little while to get the mechanics, but it is an interesting game. I'll have to keep trying it.

Day 3 and the problem is back now. I'm not sure why yesterday was different. I did get MUCH better at the game... while it was working.


AH HA! I figured it out! Yesterday I closed a whole bunch of background applications, including all the 3Dx software that runs my SpaceMouse. Despite not having it plugged in, the software seems to still interact with the game. This is the only program that does this. May want to look into that.

(1 edit)

Thanks, this is very good to know! What is a SpaceMouse though?


Fun game! Echoing a play again option. Also, how do you exit the game? I had to Alt-Tab to get out of it

(1 edit)

Hi! duly noted, we didn't add an Esc button for the jam and assumed people would use Alt-Tab/Alt-F4 (I added those above for now), but will add an Esc functionality down the line of course.


Please Make It Available For 32bit, Please I Want To Play This Game But I Can't.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, good point! We uploaded a 32bit &64bit compatible build for you.
BTW we have decided to continue working on this, and there will be news soon! woohoo!


Amazing game! If you could add play again -button and highscore I would be even happier :) I got score over 250! Very fun to play! Good job!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey @Gentlemanni! Thanks a lot! We decided to continue working on this and develop it further into a full release, so you might be even more happy ;)
We'll post more info about our plans soon.


Some Ideas I got while playing:

  • It feels like tiles having at least one tree is way too common for the amount of "forest groups" the ToDos want
  • It would be cool if there'd be ToDos for the rails too
  • Maybe some kinda bonus or ToDos still completing if you "overshoot" one, for example, if you have to 20 house villages and combine them and the ToDo was getting 22, while next ToDo would've been 36
  • Rotation button for the tiles
  • Maybe an undo button

Hey @Banane9, thanks for the great feedback! Your ideas are noted, and we are currently planning a lot as we decided to continue working on this, yay! More info soon ;)


This has definite potential to be a really fun strategy-puzzle game! I love the tetris-style randomization of the tiles, and the graphics are really charming.  I can totally see myself devoting serious hours to this game, if you decide to develop it further.


I like that no matter how do you place tokens they always end up looking good together.


There must be a save functionality, I am getting addicted.


Haha that is a good point indeed! We are definitely thinking about it and in case we continue working on this i'm sure we will add such functionality.


I had a lot of fun with this game.  Here is a video.


Thanks for discovering all these indie games :)

Thanks for taking the time and making this! A very comfy Video!


I've enjoyed playing for hours, and would love to play hours more, so I wish there was a "save game" feature.  It seems quite easy to play just about indefinitely, though.  You might want to consider adding some sort of hazard rule to add challenge, like "in order to build a new village (that is, one non-adjacent to other housing tiles), you need a railway tile connecting them.  Another hazard might be a "cursed" tile that spawns roving hazards like plagues (destroying houses), locusts (destroying fields), and fires (destroying trees).  A tile would lose its curse if a temple is built adjacent.  Spawned curses might be fixed by building hospitals in villages, reptile houses for the grains, ranger stations to stop fires (maybe over a longer range, given that tile placement would require open spaces).


I Thoroughly enjoyed your game! I'd love to see the game continue to get developed as it was a lot of fun. A few suggestions/additions I'd recommend are basic menus, saving, dynamic tiles (Such placing a majority of village tiles around a specific village tile it becomes a city tile, could be done with farms with a windmill or something and forests you could get denser and denser forests when surrounding other forest tiles),  I think more complicated tiles later down the line would be nice, such as forests/farms/villages requiring to be placed against two or more of the same tiles, lastly I would love to see randomly generated obstacles such as water and mountains that you have to build around strategically.


Fun game a restart and escape menu would be nice.  Also have you considered expanding. Maybe river tiles or more windmill objectives. Maybe even a county fair type tile.


It's fun for awhile, but how do you quit the game, except for alt+ tab and killing the program?

Hey Cheddar, you can us Alt+F4, but that's a good point, we should add Escape as end-button! Thanks for reminding us ;)


I would like to make a let's play video with your game and monetise it on my youtube channel. Is that okay?

Hey Samantha, yes of course, that would be cool with us! We are currently working on many different game prototypes and are evaluating which one to take on for a full release, so we are happy to see which games are interesting for players.


Can confirm it doesn't open in  macOS Catalina.  

Probably maybe possibly missing notarization. 

Looks really nice though!


Hey thanks for letting us know! Maybe we'll find a solution or get a webGL build running.

Is there any update? I'd like to play this game on macOS Catalina.


Great game! I think we need more games like this.

There is a little steam game called Islanders in which you do basically the same thing, but with buildings instead of tiles, and gain more pieces through points/lvUp system instead of missions (To Do tasks). It may bring you some ideas.

I tried to cheese your game (as I always try to when I'm testing) and it seems that leaving open spaces between the hexes is a viable strategy for the "have X groups of forests" for example. Aestetically this is not as pleasing to see as an entire filled grid. So, maybe if those "empty" tiles were water instead of "emptyness", the result would be many lakes, rivers, swamps and other water bodies. 

I don't know if the "boardgame pieces" style was intended or not, but I feel somewhat like playing carcassone (and for me this is also a good thing).

About the lack of sound: the music can both benefit or hinder the experience, so I agree with your instruction in how to play section (maybe add this inside the game when it starts? Like "Better played/enjoyed with your favorite music"). The sound effects however, should be in the game even if subtle, serving as feedback, like a small clicking sound when you put a piece. Stardew valley does this with the repetitive actions wonderfully.

Last thing I can think of, is some way of taking a picture or saving the scenery for viewing later. Some games can end pretty nice :D


You are so right! we also found that building with open spaces allows to achieve most of the tasks but that it takes awa from the pleasing aesthetic. We already had some ideas on how to fix this.

The boardgame aesthetic was definitely a choice, we love board games ;)

You are very right concerning the sound effects, we just decided to focus more on mechanics and visuals for the jam, adding sound in case we continue working on this.

And lastly saves and savestates would be a must, i totally agree. also a free-building-mode would be cool. We built some really nice worlds while testing ourselves and were sad to end the game, haha. We cannot say for now though what will happen :)


Awesome! :D I really appreciated to play this game, it is very relaxing and as a player you feel like you create something beautiful (while fulfilling the tasks). 

I really like the mechanic of the tile groups, which can so quickly evolve through the game and change the situation completely with few decisions. It is very clever. 

I would also say it could benefit from an end goal. Or deal with it very differently: maybe have a maximum expansion size? Like Islands which limits are already drawn. So the players would have to manage the space even more? 
I guess you all already have a lot of ideas by yourself. Seems to have potential!

(Oh and I'm really looking forward to see some trains, and what mechanics could be related to them!)

And once again it is visually very appealing and looks very organic when put together. Great job on the Art side!

Hey thanks so much for your great feedback! Yes we are of course thinking in many different directions on where to take this, ther are many possibilities.

Trains! Of course we would have been really happy to manage to add them in the Jam-time but that was not possible. Would be so great to see them drive around, choochoo!


Fun and relaxing to play. Wish there was sound. It kind of just goes on forever. I think it could benefit either from some end goal or some tighter balancing, especially towards the late game.

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